APEX is a multi-platform, scalable dynamics framework. Rather than
providing a low-level API that requires a physics programmer, APEX
creates an environment where artists can create complex, high-level,
dynamic systems without any programming. APEX is completely artist
focused by providing the artist with familiar and easy to use authoring
APEX consists of two major components:
Download following files from you Apex account -
1. Nvidia PhysX sdk installer (mostly named as PhysX_2.8.4.6_for_PC_Core.msi). If you are using Apex 1.1 SDK, then you need to install PhysX 2.8.4 and not later version.
2. Then you need Apex SDK (mostly named as APEXSDK-1.1-Build112-PhysX_2.8.4-WIN-VC9.zip).
3. Latest Microsoft DirectX SDK which can be downloaded from here.
Install DirectX SDK, Nvidia PhysX and then Apex SDK. Now you need to add Nvidia PhysX installed location to your system path. To do this, go to System Properties->Advanced System Settings->Environment Variable. Click on New in the top list. Add the variable name NXPATH and variable value as <Location> of your physx sdk(For my case it was "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA PhysX SDK\v2.8.4_win").
Now you are ready to open the visual studio sample projects given with ApexSDK.
APEX consists of two major components:
the authoring component, provides high-level authoring of dynamic
systems through DCC plug-ins (3dsMax/Maya), standalone tools, or game
engine plug-ins.
- the runtime component, consists of a modular SDK which includes the framework that supports all APEX modules and provides a render interface to allow minimal integration into game engines.
Download following files from you Apex account -
1. Nvidia PhysX sdk installer (mostly named as PhysX_2.8.4.6_for_PC_Core.msi). If you are using Apex 1.1 SDK, then you need to install PhysX 2.8.4 and not later version.
2. Then you need Apex SDK (mostly named as APEXSDK-1.1-Build112-PhysX_2.8.4-WIN-VC9.zip).
3. Latest Microsoft DirectX SDK which can be downloaded from here.
Install DirectX SDK, Nvidia PhysX and then Apex SDK. Now you need to add Nvidia PhysX installed location to your system path. To do this, go to System Properties->Advanced System Settings->Environment Variable. Click on New in the top list. Add the variable name NXPATH and variable value as <Location> of your physx sdk(For my case it was "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA PhysX SDK\v2.8.4_win").
Now you are ready to open the visual studio sample projects given with ApexSDK.
- Go to your apex installed location/samples/compiler\vc9WIN32-PhysX_2.8.4 or /samples/compiler\vc9WIN64-PhysX_2.8.4 folder. Open the Apex_Samples project. This project consists of 8 sub projects.
- Right click on the properties of SampleRenderer-MT. Go to C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories. Replace the directX include path with the one on your system. (For me it was C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include).
- Similarly replace the directx include path in the properties of project "SamplePlatform-MT".
Thanks for posting this! Now I can compile the apex sdk